上次更新: 2023
机构 | 在香港, 香港的台湾代表处 |
机构类型 | |
联系地址 | Lippo Centre No. Queensway Hong Kong |
联系邮箱 | 目前没有提供 |
联系电话 | |
传真号码 | |
工作时间 | By appointment |
大使(机构负责人) | , Representative |
网站 | |
台湾在全世界一共有109个外交机构,其中2个是领事馆。 全世界其他国家在台湾一共有70个外交机构,其中有1个是领事馆。
代表处全称为外国企业代表处(representative office),又称外国企业在华常驻代表处。外国企业常驻代表机构只能在中国境内从事非直接经营活动,代表外国企业进行外国企业的业务范围内的联络、产品推广、市场调研、技术交流等业务活动。
办事处是政府部门、企业机构或其他组织为了便捷的办理业务或提供服务,而设立的办事机构,通常驻于外地。如香港特别行政区政府驻北京办事处、辽宁省政府驻上海办事处、联合国教科文组织驻巴黎办事处、西门子公司驻烟台办事处等。在日语和韩语中,官方机构的事务所(じむしょ Jimusyo;사무소 Samuso)相当于中文的办事处。
Relations with Hong Kong and the Republic of China (Taiwan) are on a high level. Before 1842, both regions were part of the Qing dynasty.
Since 2010, the relationship between Hong Kong and the ROC is managed through the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Co-operation and Promotion Council (ECCPC) and Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic and Cultural Co-operation Council (ECCC). Meanwhile, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Hong Kong is the representative office of the Republic of China in Hong Kong.
In addition, the relations with Hong Kong is also conducted by the Mainland Affairs Council, although not all regulations applicable to mainland China are automatically applied to those territories. --维基百科
Since 2010, the relationship between Hong Kong and the ROC is managed through the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Co-operation and Promotion Council (ECCPC) and Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic and Cultural Co-operation Council (ECCC). Meanwhile, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Hong Kong is the representative office of the Republic of China in Hong Kong.
In addition, the relations with Hong Kong is also conducted by the Mainland Affairs Council, although not all regulations applicable to mainland China are automatically applied to those territories. --维基百科