

上次更新: 2023

机构在台北(市), 台湾的沙特阿拉伯代表处
联系地址F, , Lane , Tienmu West Road
Taipei 111
传真号码(+886) 2 2875-2919
工作时间Monday-Friday: 09:00-16:00
大使(机构负责人)Dr Rafat Ahmed Khaleel Al Sayed, Representative


沙特阿拉伯在全世界一共有119个外交机构,其中20个是领事馆。 全世界其他国家在沙特阿拉伯一共有201个外交机构,其中有87个是领事馆。



代表处全称为外国企业代表处(representative office),又称外国企业在华常驻代表处。外国企业常驻代表机构只能在中国境内从事非直接经营活动,代表外国企业进行外国企业的业务范围内的联络、产品推广、市场调研、技术交流等业务活动。

办事处是政府部门、企业机构或其他组织为了便捷的办理业务或提供服务,而设立的办事机构,通常驻于外地。如香港特别行政区政府驻北京办事处、辽宁省政府驻上海办事处、联合国教科文组织驻巴黎办事处、西门子公司驻烟台办事处等。在日语和韩语中,官方机构的事务所(じむしょ Jimusyo;사무소 Samuso)相当于中文的办事处。


After World War II, the Republic of China (Taiwan) maintained diplomatic relations with only a few Middle Eastern countries, one of which was Saudi Arabia.

The Hui Muslim General Ma Bufang was appointed as the first Republic of China ambassador to Saudi Arabia. This was for two reasons. The first reason was largely out of economic necessity, as Saudi Arabia was the largest supplier of oil to Taiwan, with Taiwan's state-run Chinese Petroleum Company, importing about 40% of its oil annually from Saudi Arabia.

As Taiwan was so reliant on Saudi Arabia's oil supplies, Taiwan put a significant amount of effort into maintaining relations. The second reason for the friendliness of Taiwan's Nationalist government towards Saudi Arabia was because since 1949, Saudi Arabia was one of the most influential countries to recognize Taiwan as the Republic of China, even after it lost its seat on the UN Security Council in 1971. Citing respect for Islamic religion was another.

Relations between Taiwan and Saudi Arabia began around 1965 and were initially based on an agricultural relationship. As a way to demonstrate rice cultivation, Taiwan sent agricultural missions to Saudi Arabia. Then, in 1973, the two countries signed an agricultural cooperation agreement, in which Taiwan provided Saudi Arabia with a number of assistance programs, including irrigation, mechanized cultivation, soil, meteorology, crop rotation, and fishing technology. In 1978, Taiwan also began providing technical assistance in the field of health care. Taiwan has even provided Saudi Arabia with a number of doctors and nurses.

Taiwan also provided significant technical assistance to Saudi Arabia. In 1973, Taiwan's largest heavy construction company, Ret-Ser Engineering Agency (RSEA), began working on the 110-kilometer Mecca to Hawiya highway in Saudi Arabia. This led to other large projects like the Shaar highway. Other projects included the construction of an industrial park and sewage system, offshore and onshore work in the Saudi Naval Expansion Program, and housing for the King Abd al-Aziz Military Academy and King Khalid Military City. As of 1984, RSEA's projects in Taiwan amounted to a total dollar value of $1.3 billion. The majority of trade between the two nations consisted of petroleum from Saudi Arabia and building materials and consumer goods from Taiwan.

Saudi Arabia ended its recognition of Taiwan in July 1990, when it established official diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. --维基百科


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