

Last update: 2023

机构在布雷日采(市), 斯洛文尼亚的俄罗斯领事馆
联系地址The Russian consulate in Brežice, Slovenia has closed. Please contact the embassy in Ljubljana, Slovenia for assistance.
联系邮箱[email protected]
联系电话(+386) 1 425-68-75 / 80 (embassy in Ljubljana)
传真号码(+386) 1 425-68-78 (embassy in Ljubljana)
大使(机构负责人)Vacant, Consul
网站veleposlanistvorusije.mid.ru (embassy in Ljubljana)






Russia–Slovenia relations are foreign relations between Russia and Slovenia. Both countries established diplomatic relations on May 25, 1992. Russia has an embassy in Ljubljana. Slovenia has an embassy in Moscow and two honorary consulates (in Saint Petersburg and Samara). Both countries are full members of the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

In March 2011, the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited Slovenia and met with the Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor and the President of Slovenia Danilo Türk. The Russian and Slovenian delegations discussed economic, scientific and cultural partnership, especially regarding the construction of the South Stream pipeline.

Slovenia and Russia are traditionally strong economic partners.[citation needed] This applies not only to the inter-state relations but also to the ties between regions. The level of economic exchange between Slovenia and various Russian regions is constantly growing.[citation needed] Such growth is supported by agreements on cooperation, joint ventures and business delegations. Russia is steadily in top ten trade partners of Slovenia and exports from this Alpine Republic substantially overweigh imports from Russia.[citation needed]

The bilateral relations, however, were seriously affected in 2009 by external factors, namely the global financial and economic crisis led to the downturn of economic activities and lower consumption which, as a consequence, resulted in a significant down-slide in the trade between the two countries.[citation needed]

The structure of the trade exchange during the crisis though remained largely the same - 60-70 % of Slovenian exports are pharmaceuticals, wired communications systems, electrical equipment, mechanical installations and paints. Imports from Russia are mostly comprised by oil and gas products and their derivatives, aluminium products, together comprising 70-75 % of the total Russian import.[citation needed] --维基百科


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