上次更新: 2023/05/24
机构 | 在台北(市), 台湾的梵蒂冈教廷大使馆 |
机构类型 | |
联系地址 | F, No. -, Lane , Sec. , Heping E. Rd., OR Taipei 10667 Taiwan |
联系邮箱 | nuntius.taipei@gmail.com |
联系电话 | |
传真号码 | (+886) 2 2755-1926 |
工作时间 | By appointment |
大使(机构负责人) | Monsignor Arnaldo Catalan, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. |
网站 | |
梵蒂冈在全世界一共有116个外交机构, 其中有0个是领事馆。全世界其他国家在梵蒂冈一共有88个外交机构,其中0个是领事馆。
台湾在全世界一共有109个外交机构,其中2个是领事馆。 全世界其他国家在台湾一共有70个外交机构,其中有1 个是领事馆。
Relations between the Holy See and the Republic of China (common known as Taiwan after 1971); also known as Sino-Vatican relations were established on a non-diplomatic level in 1922. In that year, Archbishop Celso Benigno Luigi Costantini was appointed to head an Apostolic Delegation in the country. Though Archbishop Costantini did not have diplomatic status, the Chinese government gave him the same honours as those granted to the diplomatic corps accredited to China at the funeral of Sun Yat-sen in 1925. Archbishop Costantini left China in 1933 and was succeeded by Archbishop Mario Zanin, who likewise was given all the honours reserved for Ministers Plenipotentiary. The Holy See recognizes the Republic of China as the representative of China. --维基百科